About Us

A platform for Saint Lucia's climate action

About the Website

On 22nd October 2019, a concept for a website dedicated to Saint Lucia’s collaboration with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) was proposed and documented as part of work to be conducted in Saint Lucia’s second readiness project (LCA-RS 002). Six months after the start of activities under Saint Lucia’s second readiness project the National Consultant contracted by the implementing partner Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) determined that St. Lucia's Climate Change Website needed to be redesigned to fulfil the following seven (7) objectives:

  1. Ensure that stakeholders are informed of and have access to GCF policies, procedures, and .... requirements. For example, informing private sector institutions and businesses about GCF’s .... Private Sector Facility and the opportunities offered.
  2. Ensure compliance with the no-objection procedure and GCF’s information disclosure policy.
  3. Inform stakeholders and the public about the status of project ideas, concept notes and .... proposals, and about progress in project implementation.
  4. Inform stakeholders about the GCF’s Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) and the channels .... through which it can be accessed. 
  5. Inform potential Direct Access Entities (DAE) about opportunities and the accreditation process.
  6. Ensure that external partners are aware and supportive of St. Lucia’s efforts in climate change ....mitigation and adaptation.
  7. The website would provide a platform for climate change knowledge sharing and access to the ....other tools being developed through the second readiness grant including:
    • Developing a new application software to assist the National Designated Authority in ...........efficiently managing the “No-objection” procedure for project proposals and concept notes.
    • A climate tracking finance system for providing information on climate finance and climate ...........project activities.
    • Training platform for providing training materials, and video tutorials.



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